December 8, 2009

Vacation Reading

I've declared that 25 will be my year of travel and so far I'm off to a good start!

I worked hard all summer and won a contest at work where I got to go on a 1 week all inclusive trip to Jamaica and it was amazing!! Unfortunately, I had to read some books for school on that trip but never fear, I have two more trips lined up!!

Next up, I have a week long trip to London, England booked leaving on boxing day, and after that another week long trip to Cancun for Red River's first official spring break! And you know what that means right?? Lots of "fun" reading for me! (and by fun reading I mean reading that I have not been told i have to do)

I'm especially excited for London since it will have the longest flight time and I LOVE to read on planes, it makes time go by so fast! Plus if you scroll down, you'll see I have some amazing books on my christmas list that I can't wait to start reading them.

And isn't it fun to look at your old books and remember where you were when you were reading them?

When I got back from Jamaica and opened George and Rue a tiny bit of sand fell out, and I was instantly transported back to the beautiful beaches that I had called home for a week. Sigh. Is there anything better than days and days of nothing-ness where reading is your top priority?

And in case you were wondering, the answer is no :)

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